Abbey of Stavelot image 5 suns

The Stavelot Abbey... the 5 suns destination!

The Historical Museum of the Principality of Stavelot-Malmedy.

For more than a thousand years, the Principality exerted its influence over a territory far beyond the borders of Belgium. The Museum of the Principality of Stavelot-Malmedy offers a modern and entertaining tour of the history of a State under the Ancien Régime. Images and sounds, objects and works of art are intelligently orchestrated using the latest multimedia techniques.

New: Espace Wibald, Abbot of the Empire in the 12th century.

The Spa-Francorchamps Circuit Museum.

In the vaulted cellars of the Abbey, the museum traces the history of the "most beautiful circuit in the world". Exceptional vehicles, never-before-seen video footage and unusual objects bring the passion of the pioneers to life for today's drivers. Young and old alike can become Fangio, Senna or Schumacher during a virtual lap of the Ardennes circuit.

The Guillaume Apollinaire Museum.

This museum with its cosy atmosphere evokes the poet's stay in the Stavelot region and immerses visitors in the world of the author of the "Chanson du Mal-Aimé": an initiatory journey into the work of one of the outstanding personalities of the last century, through his writings and the eyes of Picasso, Chagall, Cocteau...

In addition to the 3 museums, a temporary exhibition is regularly organised!


Ouvert tous les jours de 10 à 18h.

N.B. : Nous vous recommandons vivement de consulter le site internet de ce prestataire afin de prendre connaissance des dates d’ouverture, modalités et conditions d’accès au site.

French French People with limited mobility People with limited mobility Access-I Access-I

Equipments and Services

  • Shop

parking motorhome

Abbey of Stavelot

Cour de l'Abbaye 1
4970 Stavelot (Stavelot)
50.39357 5.93163 11



Varie de 45 minutes à une journée

Brochure gratuite sur demande

German German

English English

French French

Dutch Dutch

German German

English English

French French

Dutch Dutch



See also