Spa Town Museum image 2 suns


Located in the old Royal Villa, the residence of Queen Marie-Henriette, the Spa Town Museum invites you to discover its marvellous exhibits relating to the history

of Spa: a magnificent collection of decorated Spa wood, from the 17th century to the present day, as well as a variety of objects that show the activities of our famous spa town.


Come and discover, in the old stables of Queen Marie-Henriette, a permanent exhibition of the equestrian activities of Spa, a number of important objects, carriages, a farriery and much more... Come and get to know an exceptional equine past and a surprising animal, that we think we know, the horse !


Ouverture tous les jours excepté les 1, 2 janvier et 24, 25, 26 décembre 2023, de 13h à 17h.

Exposition permanente "Spa Story": tous les jours.

Exposition temporaire "Vous prendrez bien un petit verre": du 01 avril au 29 octobre 2023.

Musée spadois du Cheval: ouvert le 2ème WE du mois.

Groups welcome Groups welcome French French

Equipments and Services

  • Parking

Spa Town Museum

Avenue Reine Astrid 77
4900 Spa (Spa)
50.49186 5.85716 11


French French


Individuel : 5€.

Senior/étudiant : 4€

0-6 ans : gratuit / 7-12 ans : 1€ / 13-26 ans : 4€

Groupe : 4€/pers / Guide : 50€

Anniversaire au Galop : 80€

Gratuit chaque 1er dimanche du mois

Visite libre scolaire : 1€/pers

Animation scolaire : 3€/enfant

See also

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