Promenade du loup

A walk that will take you to discover the main square of the city "Place Saint-Remacle" and then the wooded heights of Stavelot, passing by the "Chapel Notre-Dame des Pauvres" and the famous Devil's Stone. Even if you will sometimes be confronted with steep slopes, this beautiful walk will give you a lot of pleasure by its frequent changes of scenery.


On foot On foot



People with limited mobility People with limited mobility Pushchair Pushchair

Route details

Start place

Abbaye de Stavelot
Avenue Ferdinand Nicolay 1
4970 Stavelot (Stavelot)
50.39411 5.93115 8
Longueur de l'itinéraire (en km) : 6.26
Dénivelé de l'itinéraire (en m) : 295

  • On foot
  • Level of difficulty (On foot) : Middle
  • Duration of the route (On foot) : 2:00
  • People with limited mobility
  • Pushchair
  • Forest
  • Along a waterway
  • Rural environment

See also

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