Bords de Lesse

From Resteigne castle (see the description of the Circuit de la Réserve Domaniale), this route leads you quietly along the banks of the Lesse to a reserve of great biological value. Resteigne's impressive quarry is no longer in operation. You then enter the forest. At Ellinchamps, the vegetation of the forest reserve grows on a steep slope. From top to bottom, you can see the stratification:

-a calciole beech forest with local field maple, charcoal, sweet wood, reed, violet, bittersweet and various orchids

- on the rubble slopes grow mainly maple, wych elm and basswood, with shepherd's tongue as undergrowth.

- Further on, on the alluvial deposits of the Lesse, an alder-fern forest protects black alder and wolf's claw. In Belvaux, an old mill stands along the Lesse. This beautiful building is made of limestone rubble typical of the region. Shortly afterwards, you reach the remarkable areas of Chefiri and Les Pairées. This nature reserve has already been described in the tour of the Domaniale Reserve.

This signposted walk is included on the Tellin walking map, available for €6.50 from the Office du Tourisme of Tellin and the Maison du Tourisme de la Forêt de Saint-Hubert.

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