The Roche des Nutons rock

East from the village of Libin close to the Troufferies d'Ochamps, a lonely rock occupates the Contranhé wood. It stands in the muiddle of a wide mass of fallen rocks, you might think it has sprung from the earth thanks to an extraordinary pressure. According to the tradition, this rock that is a real geological curiousity, was inhabitated by the nutons, a long time ago. some adventurous men from Libin decided to capture one of them during a night. They hid near the rock and when a nuton dared getting out of the hole, they jumped on him. The dwarf was strong and despite his challengers were numerous, it was very hard to them to overpower him. When they came back to the village, they shut the dwarf in the cellar of a farm. But the next morning they were very surprised when they discovered that the nuton had escaped by a window whose bars hadn't resisted to his herculean strength


French French

The Roche des Nutons rock

6890 Ochamps (Libin)
49.9658 5.32507 11


French French

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