Parcours Art Nouveau

Spa has several buildings with characteristics specific to the Art Nouveau movement: use of coloured materials and new materials (iron, steel), research into a decorative language drawing its repertoire from the plant and organic world. 

This style also developed through sgraffito or mosaic panels, stained glass windows, woodwork, bow windows, cornices with large overhangs, and the play of curves and counter-curves.

In some of the buildings on the tour, Art Nouveau elements have been discreetly integrated to decorate more classical or traditional facades. The expression Art Nouveau evokes a deliberate break with 19th century architecture, which was attached to historical and eclectic styles. Art Nouveau sought a rational architecture, but freed from conventional rules. This new style has its origins in the romantic perception of nature.

We invite you to discover our spa town, the original town of the spa tradition which gave its name "Spa" to all the spa towns in the world. Spa is a founding member of the Association of European Historic Thermal Towns and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since July 2021, along with 10 other European thermal towns. It is precisely this heritage, linked to Art Nouveau, that we propose to discover along this route.

The circular walk starts at the Tourist Office (rue du Marché 1A) and, from the start, you will discover two magnificent houses in front of you

With the precious collaboration - writing and illustration - of Mrs Martine MARCHAL, founding member of SPA PATRIMOINE ASBL


SCHILS, Marie-Christine, Fleurons de l'architecture Art nouveau 

in Spa, in Histoire et Archéologie spadoise, Spa, Villa royale 

Marie-Henriette No. 76, 1993.

KRINS, Vanessa, Le patrimoine de Spa, carnets du patrimoine, n°57, Stavelot 2009.

WALLONNE REGION - AwaP, Inventaire du Patrimoine Culturel Immobilier, 2017.



On foot On foot


Route details

Start place

4900 Spa (Spa)
50.49239 5.86749 8

End place

4900 Spa (Spa)
50.48752 5.86833
Longueur de l'itinéraire (en km) : 3.4
Dénivelé de l'itinéraire (en m) : 50

  • On foot
  • Level of difficulty (On foot) : Middle
  • Village

See also