Des escaliers et des villas - parcours A

We invite you to discover the old villas of Sparta villas and the Old Spa district (route B) via a somewhat a somewhat sporty route, during which you will have to climb several several staircases. 

This slightly "off the beaten track" itinerary will plunge you into the history of Spa and show you two history of Spa and show you two sides of it. You will discover luxurious villas, witnesses of the mundane character of the spa town at the end of the end of the 19th century, and you will understand how the former working-class district of Vieux-Spa played an active role in the 

in the creation and success of the present spa town, member of the European Association of Historic Thermal Cities and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the "Great European Spa Towns".


Deviation during the works at the Anciens Bains.


On foot On foot


Route details

Start place

Rue Docteur Henri Schaltin
4900 Spa (Spa)
50.49214 5.86647 8
Longueur de l'itinéraire (en km) : 1.9
Dénivelé de l'itinéraire (en m) : 29

  • On foot
  • Level of difficulty (On foot) : Middle
  • Village

See also