The river Hoëgne

The Hoëgne has a catchment area of around 200 km2. It rises near Baraque Michel (alt. 674 m). It is one of the most famous and capricious rivers in the Fagnes, formed by the Ru de Polleur and the Ru de la Baraque, which flow from the Herbôfaye and Baraque Michel peat bogs. Its main tributary is the Wayai, which forms Lake Warfaaz and flows underground through the town of Spa. It also receives water from the Statte and Sawe rivers and is a tributary of the Vesdre (a river in the Mosan basin), which it joins at Pepinster. 


French French

The river Hoëgne

4910 Polleur (Theux)
50.53621 5.81381 11


French French

See also

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