Hautregard castle

Already mentioned in 1575 when it belonged to Hermès de Presseux, and extended by his descendants in 1622, this castle was the seat of a seigneury resulting from a grant from Erard de la Marck in favour of Englebert de Presseux, governor of the Marquisate of Franchimont.

Englebert de Presseux, Governor of the Marquisate of Franchimont from 1506 to 1516. This family died out in the 18th century. 

A little further on, at the crossroads, the beautiful farmhouse is the former octroi office of La Reid. The people of Remouchamps (which was in the Duchy of Luxembourg) had to pay a fee to the Prince-Bishop's controller when they crossed the boundary between the two states on their way to the

Pays de Liège.


French French

Hautregard castle

4910 La Reid (Theux)
50.48533 5.7706 11


French French

See also

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