Visit to Ferme des Frênes - Biofarm in Tenneville

Nestling in the small village of Cens, Ferme des Frênes - Biofarm is home to organic Sattelschwein pigs, Angus beef and Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse lamb. There is also a butcher's shop on the farm, which is totally organic and gluten-free and lactose-free for most of its products. You'll find natural farmhouse meats and charcuterie with no preservatives other than sea salt, ready-made meals, local cheeses, local beers and a small grocery shop. Vanessa and Patrick also share their love of the trade with tasting tours!


Uniquement sur rendez-vous.

Uniquement sur rendez-vous.

French French

Visit to Ferme des Frênes - Biofarm in Tenneville

Chemin de Mousny 14
6972 Cens (Tenneville)
50.10371 5.577 11


French French

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