Visit to the Brasserie "Les Tchèts" in Flohimont

The beer "La Chatte" was created in the village of Neuvillers, whose nickname "tchèts" ("les tchèts d'Nuviè", "the cats of Neuvillers") gave the brewery its name. La Brasserie des Tchèts is now located in Flohimont and offers 5 beers: La Chatte Blonde, Blanche, Brune, Noire and a Tripel. 

Throughout the year, visit the brewery, discover how the beers are made and... taste them!


Uniquement sur rendez-vous

French French

Visit to the Brasserie "Les Tchèts" in Flohimont

Rue du Printemps 69
6800 Libramont (Libramont-Chevigny)
49.91459 5.38957 11


French French



Min. 10 personnes

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