Bicycle tour of springs and fountains

The landscape of Spa is quite hilly, so the tours require some energy. If you are afraid of hills, we suggest renting an electrically assisted bicycle. This ride will take you to the city's famous fountains, known colloquially as "pouhons". Take a cup to taste the different spring waters. Starting from the Pouhon Pierre le Grand1 , the main spring of the city, you cross the city passing the Casino and 

the Casino and head towards the Barisart spring which, until the middle of the 19th century, ran freely in a meadow where it was then captured. where it was tapped. You continue your journey towards the Géronstère2 spring, known as the enragée. Its water is ferruginous and carbo-gaseous water has a strong taste. Then take the fountain road towards the Sauvenière spring. Here you will find two small buildings housing the precious springs. You will also see the footprint of Saint Remacle. The legend says 

The legend says that the water of this spring drunk when you put your foot in this footprint reinforces the fertility of women. The walk then takes you to discover the Tonnelet spring3, which dates from the 17th century and was originally collected in a barrel. originally collected in a barrel, hence its current name. Then take the Ravel or the route du Tonnelet to reach the centre of the town




Route details

Start place

Rue Rogier 15
4900 Spa (Spa)
50.49196 5.86729 8
Longueur de l'itinéraire (en km) : 11.07
Dénivelé de l'itinéraire (en m) : 215

  • : Middle
  • : 0:00

See also

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