SPA 14 - Promenade Royale (Rectangle Bleu)

Start : Domaine de Bérinzenne

Signposting: Blue rectangle

Starting from the Domaine de Bérinzenne (take the opportunity to visit the Forest Museum), you will begin your descent towards Spa through the beautiful woods of Spa. Discover the charming village of Nivezé. When you arrive at the Lac de Warfaaz, walk around it for another kilometre. Welcome back to the city!


On foot On foot



Route details

Start place

Bérinzenne 4
4900 Spa (Spa)
50.45909 5.88256 8
Longueur de l'itinéraire (en km) : 9.51
Dénivelé de l'itinéraire (en m) : 78

  • On foot
  • Level of difficulty (On foot) : Middle
  • Duration of the route (On foot) : 0:00

See also

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