Chemin des Sources |stage n°6 JALHAY - LA GILEPPE - JEHANSTER

The easiest stage of the hike. However, don't hike with a full backpack in order to make it easier for you to climb the kissing gates that take us to the lake Gileppe dam. Don't hesitate to climb to the top floor of the panoramic tower to admire the majestic Lion and the wide view of our forests. As you cross the countryside hedgerows, take the time to notice the hillsides of Verviers and the slag heaps of Liege before entering Jehanster village.


On foot On foot



Route details

Start place

Rue de la Laiterie 31
4900 Spa (Spa)
50.55875 5.96747 8
Longueur de l'itinéraire (en km) : 14.33
Dénivelé de l'itinéraire (en m) : 553

  • On foot
  • Level of difficulty (On foot) : Difficult
  • Duration of the route (On foot) : 0:00

See also

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