In collaboration with All Access (Province of Luxembourg), we would like to inform you that this site is accessible to people with disabilities:
The address is Laneuville-au-Bois 11, 6970 Tenneville.
The old school in Laneuville is also called “Al vî scole dol Noûvèye” in Walloon.
The building is located opposite the church in the village of Laneuville-au-Bois.
The former Laneuville-au-Bois school can only be visited by appointment.
The length of the visit depends on the interest of the participants.
Allow around 1 hour.
Bookings can be made by telephone or e-mail.
You can call 084 45 53 54.
If you are calling from abroad, dial 0032 84 45 53 54.
You can also send an e-mail to
Myriam, the owner, is committed to welcoming people with disabilities.
She is on hand to welcome visitors and show them around.
There is no PRM toilet.
Assistance dogs are welcome.
Access to the building
In the old school
The tours are adapted for people who are blind, have difficulty understanding or have autism.
This means that Myriam provides explanations so that visitors can fully understand them.
There are no sign language tours for the deaf.
Deaf people are people who cannot hear.
Car park
Entering the building
In the old school