Frequently asked questions

Hikes and tours

Where are the local walks?

The starting points for the signposted walks are usually in the villages (often at the church) or in easily identifiable and accessible places in the countryside.

A walking map is available for each commune. These maps show all the local signposted routes and enable you to identify the starting points and routes.

You can also download most of the routes from Cirkwi.

If you come by car for a walk in the woods, remember these rules:

– don’t park in the forest, but near the start area, leaving a clear space for the logging trucks to pass through

– don’t park in front of the access gates

– Respect the Highway Code and the Forestry Code.

We also recommend that you explore the ‘Going fora walk’ section of our website.

Can I leave the paths and tracks?

No, except for picking (see below). Walk only on authorised paths and roads. This way you will preserve the natural environment of your walks.

Can one ride a MTB on all routes?

The paths are open to walkers only. Therefore, only use the authorised routes (roads and paths); several sections are signposted.

Does one have to pay an entry fee to walk?

No, you can go on our marked walks for free.

Am I obliged to keep my dog on a leash?

Your dog should always be kept on a leash. He may run away or attack a stronger animal than him. Consider this rule also as a sign of respect for other users. A fine of 50 € is foreseen for every dog that is not kept on a leash.

Can one walk in the forest at night?

Yes, you can walk in the forest at night, except during certain periods when the forest is exceptionally closed for nature conservation reasons (e.g. the belling of the stag).

Can one spend the night in the forest?

Sleeping in the forest is allowed only on bivouac sites designated for this purpose. Access is allowed from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. unless otherwise stipulated by a specific municipal decree. These places are intended for hikers on the move. Furthermore, it is forbidden to light fires outside these designated areas. Let us not forget that fire can easily spread underground.

Is it possible to bivouac?

Yes, two major routes are equipped with bivouac areas:
– Entre Lesse et Lomme
– Des profondeurs de la forêt aux paysages de plateaux

These areas are reserved for itinerant hikers.

I have planned to hike between Lesse and Lomme

Is it necessary to make a reservation to use the bivouacs ” Between Lesse and Lomme”? .

Yes, reservations are required online at

Is there drinking water along the route?

No, but with a suitable filtration system you can get water from the many streams that cross the route. It is therefore not necessary to burden yourself with water for three days. Is the trail accessible during the hunting season? Yes, but it is strongly discouraged. Due to the size of the trail, we cannot give you precise information on the areas affected by the daily hunt. Is there a specific site? Yes: You will find all the practical information on it.

What walks are there in the forest and along the water?

We recommend that you visit the “When it’s (too) hot” page on this site. Here you will find a selection of local walks.

Blueberries, flowers, mushrooms,…

Can one pick blueberries, flowers or mushrooms?

The Forestry Code allows you to pick the following per day for your personal use: 2 handfuls of flowers, 1 10-litre bucket of bilberries, 1 10-litre bucket of mushrooms.

In the case of flowers, for example, only the aerial part may be taken (it is forbidden to take the roots or bulbs).
Mushrooms must be cut off at the base and may not be uprooted.

While state-owned forests are tolerated on a permanent basis (except on days when the forest is closed), permission must be obtained from the owner of the land, whether private or public.
In the case of communal plots, for example, it is advisable to check with each communal administration to find out whether a decree authorising harvesting has been issued.

Harvesting is only permitted between sunrise and sunset. Harvesting is suspended during the hunting season.
Make sure you stay close to the paths (a maximum radius of 50 metres is recommended, or even required depending on the location).

It should also be remembered that motorised access to the forest is forbidden except on roads or areas marked for this purpose.

Nature is counting on you not to disturb the environment unnecessarily.

May one remove dead wood, moss or...........

No, unless you have the permission of the owner of the property. But this practice is not recommended; it is a matter of respect for the environment and its natural regeneration, for all the small animals that live there (no matter how small they are).

Can one leave the roads and paths for picking?

Yes to picking for personal use in the quantities indicated above, whereby the ground on which you walk must not be trampled unreasonably. Once again, respect for nature is key here.

Listening to the stag’s bellow

Listening to the roar of the deer ?

The period of the stag’s belling usually falls between mid-September and mid-October. Of course, nature alone decides! And different parameters have an influence: the temperature, the phase of the moon, the calm… It is therefore conceivable that the belling starts earlier. Or that you don’t hear anything at all… or at least not every day.

Where can you hear the howl of the deer?

During the month of September (generally from the 2nd week onwards), part of the Saint-Hubert forest is closed from 5pm to 9am. During this period, sites are specifically demarcated so that you can freely listen to the roaring of the deer. There are explanatory posters on site. For more information, visit the website of the CRIE du Fourneau Saint-Michel or the Maison du Tourisme de la Forêt de Saint-Hubert.

Is it possible to register for evening events?

Yes, these evenings are organised by the Syndicats d’Initiative/Offices du Tourisme, private organisers. Participation is always by subscription, as the number of places is limited. For more information, consult the agenda on this site or contact the Maison du Tourisme de la Forêt de Saint-Hubert.

What clothes should I put on to listen to the deer's roar?

Discretion is the key word. Avoid rustling clothes. On the spot, make sure you don’t slam car doors or use too strong torches when you’re on the road, and don’t forget to put your smartphone on mute. As the nights are cool at this time of year, we suggest you wear warm clothes and sturdy shoes to avoid catching cold; the wait can sometimes be long…

During the hunting season

When does the hunt take place?

Everything depends on the type of hunting. The official hunting season in our region begins on 1 October and ends on 31 December. However, if the quotas imposed on hunters have not been reached, the administration may decide to extend the deadline, usually until February. During these autumn and winter months, certain parts of the forest are closed to the public all day. Stalking (also called “pirch”) is a so-called “silent” hunting. For this practice, the forest may be closed once for 10 days per year. During this period it is forbidden to be in the affected area from 1 hour before sunrise to 2 hours after sunrise, and from 2 hours before sunset to 1 hour after sunset

How can I find out where a hunt is taking place if I want to go for a walk?

The network of trails in the Saint-Hubert forest is extensive, you will always be able to enjoy it in peace and quiet. Thanks to the cooperation between the Department of Nature and Forests and the local InfoPoints, the Tourist Office has the closing dates of the routes marked on the hiking maps. These calendars are very important because they help to identify the announced closing dates of the hunts. The Maison du Tourisme publishes a calendar showing, by date, all closed walks for which information has been provided. So you can organise your trips according to the route you want to take or the date when you feel like taking a refreshing dip in the forest.

How can I know on site if a hunt is taking place?

The regulations provide for two types of visuals for which the Walloon Region is responsible for posting. The yellow poster has an informative purpose: it tells you whether a hunt is planned and on what date. The red poster announces a prohibition on passage on the date indicated.

Folklore and traditions

When can you have your pet blessed?

Animal blessings take place twice a year at Saint-Hubert: on the first Sunday in September during the Hubertoises and on 3 November for the Saint-Hubert festival.
The blessing of the animals takes place on the square in front of the basilica after mass (usually around 12.15pm).

When can I hear the hunting horn?

In particular, during the Masses in the Basilica of Saint-Hubert on the first weekend in September and on 3 November. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a preview of events or consult the Agenda section of this website.

Winter fun

Where can one ski?

When the quality of the snow allows the opening of the ski runs, you can go to the civil airfield of Saint-Hubert or to the Maison du Ski in Champlon (Tenneville).

I want to come skiing but I need equipment: do I need to book in advance?

No, the reservation of the equipment is restricted to school groups only.

From what age can I rent ski equipment?

In Champlon the smallest size is : 27.

In Saint-Hubert the smallest size is : XX

Can I use my own equipment on the ski pistes?

Yes, it is sufficient to go to the reception of the pistes to pay the entrance fee.

Do sledge pists exist?

No. You can hire sledges from the pistes in Saint-Hubert if you want to make your walks with the little ones more fun; just make sure you don’t walk on the cross-country ski runs.

It is also forbidden to sled in the fields and meadows except with the owner’s permission.

Is it allowed to walk on the cross-country slopes during the year?

No. The Champlon and Saint-Hubert slopes are only accessible during their opening period.

Outside the opening period of the cross-country skiing tracks, it is not allowed to use these tracks, which are subject to specific permits.

Picnic and barbecue

Where are the picnic areas?

In the commune of Libin:

– Lesse: along the water

– Libin: route de Smuid (Kaolin footpath)

– Redu: rue de Hamaide (Petit Bois des Légendes ardennaises), rue de Saint-Hubert


In the commune of Libramont-Chevigny:


– Bougnimont: route du Monti

– Libramont: rue de Bonance (forest park), avenue de Houffalize (lake of Libramont), Grand’rue (behind the Tourist Office)


In the commune of Saint-Hubert:


– Saint-Hubert: rue du Parc, Clos des Sorbiers, Roseraie, along the N848 between Bonnerue and “le col du Plastrai”

– Provincial domain of Mirwart; near the fish farm, the Biolin, Fourneau of Marsolle


In the commune of Tenneville:


– Cens, Wembay and Wyopont: near the fountains

– Champlon: Grande rue (Maison du Ski), church car park

– Journal: near the church

– Laneuville-au-Bois: village square


In the commune of Wellin:


– Chanly: parc de Chanly (near the square)

– Lomprez: rue du Mont (behind the hall)

– Neupont: rue de Libin (Maria footbridge)


Where are the barbecue areas?

In the commune of Libin:

– Lesse: along the water

– Libin: route de Smuid (Kaolin footpath)


In the commune of Libramont-Chevigny:


– Bernimont: at the Pré-RAVel (on the bridge)

– Flohimont: near the church (Au Monsay)

– Saint-Pierre: behind the church and next to the hall


In the commune of Saint-Hubert:

– Saint-Hubert: rue du Parc, Clos des Sorbiers, wildlife park (reservations: +31 61 25 68 17)

– Arville: rue de la Supinette (covered, 40 places, reservation: +32 61 22 37)

– Provincial domain of Mirwart: the Biolin (reservation: +32 84 36 62 99)


In the commune of Wellin:

– Lomprez: rue du Mont (behind the hall)

– Neupont: rue de Libin (Maria footbridge)

Sports aventure

Is there a Parc Aventure in the area?

No. In the Saint-Hubert forest, there is currently no adventure park with activities such as cable cars, tree sports, paintball…

Water sports

Where can you fish in the region?

The Maison du Tourisme publishes a specific brochure where you can find the different centres. One centre is entirely dedicated to sport fishing. You can also fish in ponds and rivers.

Do you need permission to fish?

Regarding river fishing, you must have a fishing licence from the Walloon Region. It is personal and valid for the current year.
This permit is sufficient to fish in the waterways. On the other waterways, you must have your permit and a membership card of the relevant fishing association for the course you wish to fish.
By consulting our brochure, you will get information for each municipality on the waterways and the fishing associations you can contact.

Where can one go canoeing in the Saint-Hubert Forest?

Sport kayaking is allowed from 1 October to 15 March. You can embark on the West-Ourthe downstream of the Pont de Prelle (Tenneville) and on the Lesse before the Pont des Barbouillons in Daverdisse to Chanly (Wellin).

No equipment is rented.



Where can you swim during the summer?

We invite you to visit the recognised bathing areas. Contact the Maison du Tourisme de la Forêt de Saint-Hubert to find out which areas are currently accessible.


Where can one find a list of the pastures in the region?

We invite you to contact the municipal administrations:

Libin: +32 61 26 08 10,
Libramont-Chevigny: +32 61 22 21 18,
Saint-Hubert: +32 61 26 09 66,
Tellin: +32 84 36 61 36 36 or +32 84 37 42 86,
Tenneville: +32 84 45 00 40,
Wellin: +32 84 38 81 62,