The didactic family walks

family walks


Mini Redu (+/- 1.5 km) in Redu (Place de l’Esro)
Set off in search of the smallest inhabitants of the Book Village!
The itinerary is made up of 10 scenes staged by miniature figures on a scale of 1:87, with scenes from everyday life and themes such as space, hiking, books, raspberries, etc.
Route planner available from the Office du Tourisme in Redu. Online map here.

“Le petit Bois des Légendes ardennaises” (1.5 km) in Redu (Bois Collignon, Rue de Hamaide) Discover a magnificent view of the book village, the valley of the Lesse as well as the one of the Almanche thanks to this short walk through the former arboretum of Redu. During the walk you will find here and there images of legendary characters.

“Le Sentier des Nutons”(1.8 km) in Libin (Route de Smuid) Follow the traces of the “nutons” these dwarves from the Ardennes legends on the occasion of this playful route…

“Tania au coeur de Légendes” (5km) in Redu (Place de l’Esro) Tania the comic book heroine created by Pierre-Emmanuel Paulis is the mascot of this original interactive discovery circuit. Help her find the cause of her mysterious accident in Redu during the different stages of this walk. The legendary little world of the Ardennes forests will guide you and offer you riddles to help you repair her shuttle. Brochure is available (on reservation) at the Tourist Office in Redu.


The landscaped park in Libramont (rue des Aubépines)
Discover the landscaped park at a stone’s throw from the centre of Libramont nearly 25 hectares to the south of the Libramont fairgrounds. The place is ideal for short family walks and a small mountain bike circuit. Throughout the year, you can also meet the winners of the competition organised as part of the Seasons of Photography in the Great Forest of Saint-Hubert.

“La Promenade pédagogique celte”(1,3 km or 3 km) in Libramont (Rue de Bonance) Follow Eira, the young Celtic child, and her friend Kadoc the squirrel in the forests of Bonance. On this circuit you will find didactic signs inviting you to observe the surrounding nature. They also explain the amazing resources with which the Celts exploited their environment.


“La promenade didactique du Marsoult” (5 km) in the Domaine Provincial de Mirwart (Rue du Moulin). This walking tour on a flat surface around the lakes of the fish farm of the Provincial Domain will make you discover the biodiversity, the fish-eating animals, the trees and the coal-burners.


The educational trail of the Bois de la Fontaine (1 km) in Laneuville-au-Bois (rue Laneuville-au-Bois)
This short walk will delight the whole family: 1 km entirely in the forest, walking from one footbridge to another. The route is also accessible to people with reduced mobility as well as to visually impaired people. At the same place, a safe walking area allows people with autism, with intellectual disabilities or disorientated people to feel safe.

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