Lunches for groups

contact and booking in advance essential

groups of up to 30 people

Il Forno in Redu

Lunch from €20 per person
For groups of up to 30 people

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Le Moulin de la Dime in Redu

Lunch from €22 per person
For groups of up to 30 people

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groups of up to 40 people

Le 13 in Libramont

Lunch from €80 per person
For groups of up to 40 people

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La Campagnard in Tellin

Formulas and prices on request
For groups of up to 40 people

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Le Saint-Gilles in Saint-Hubert

Lunch from €30 per person
For groups of up to 40 people

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groups of up to 50 people

Brasserie Louise in Libramont

Lunch (3 courses) from €40 per person
For groups of up to 50 people (not at weekends in the evening)

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La Fontaine du Sabotier at Awenne

Lunch from €35 per person
For groups of up to 50 people

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Le Chalet 2 km from Saint-Hubert

Packages and prices on request
For groups of up to 50 people in winter (up to 100 people in summer)

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groups of up to 60 people

Le Coin gourmand at the Saint-Hubert Game Park

Lunch from €50 all-inclusive per person
For groups of up to 60 people

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groups of up to 70 people

Le Val de Poix in Poix-Saint-Hubert

Lunch from €15.50 per person
For groups of up to 70 people

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groups of up to 80 people

Les 100 Ciels in Saint-Hubert

Lunch from €15 per person
For groups of up to 80 people

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groups of up to 100 people

La Table des Ateliers at Libramont

Lunch from €16 per person
For groups of up to 100 people

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groups of up to 120 people

Table et comptoir in Libramont

Lunch from €30 per person
For groups of up to 120 people

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La Vendetta in Libramont

Lunch from €20 per person
For groups of up to 120 people

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